About us


The Brazilian Aluminum Association (ABAL) was founded on May 15, 1970 by the primary aluminum producing companies Alcan Alumínio do Brasil Ltda., Alcominas (currently Alcoa Alumínio S.A.) and Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio (CBA), as well as by the processing companies Aisa Alumínio Indústria Ltda, Asa Alumínio S.A. Extrusão e Laminação and Kaiser Alumínio do Brasil S.A. In early 1980s, Aisa and Asa were merged with Alcoa Alumínio S.A.

Then, a common forum aimed to address aluminum industry related issues was established, towards combining interests from both producers and processors with the growing representation of the aluminum industry before the government and the community in these industry-concerned matters.

Representation, activities and major challenges

ABAL is comprised of companies that represent 100% of primary aluminum producers. Also part of ABAL are aluminum processing companies, representing around 80% of the Brazilian domestic consumption, consumers of aluminum products, raw material suppliers, service suppliers and traders.

The Association works through Technical Committees and Market Committees to develop its activities and meet its major challenges, among which are: competitiveness, disseminating aluminum applications and incentives to its new applications, consolidating the industry’s economic interests and representing them before government agencies, while watching over its institutional image and the product “aluminum”.

See also
Organizational Structure